
Sister organizations: TNASG, Tidewater Native American Support Group and Four Winds Youth Group in Norfolk, VA.

Our mission at R.A.I.N. is to promote awareness of First Nations and Indigenous cultures and communities within the immediate and expanding multi-racial and multi-cultural communities.
To educate those who are ignorant (not knowing) about the true history and lives of Indigenous people, mixed blood peoples, and non-indigenous people, whose history and cultures are similar.
To give those who desire to know more about themselves, their ancestral history, and the way of life of present day First Nations communities, the opportunity to learn and to experience as much a possible.
The Goal of R.A.I.N. is to educate, by example and influence of First Nations teachings and spirit, to the best of our combined abilities, all people who are willing to learn.
Knowledge is power and is key in preventing or changing prejudicial thoughts and actions aimed at various races.
The "ultimate" goal of R.A.I.N. is to see a future of peace, tolerance, and harmony among the different peoples. We work toward this end by teaching and asking nothing but respect in return, and engaging in special events such as powwows, festivals and ceremonies.
R.A.I.N. also strives to educate people about harmony with the earth's environment and wildlife. In this way, future waste, pollution, and hunger may be averted and avoided.
R.A.I.N. will interact with other agencies in order to assist in the care of elders and children in need on and off reserves. In this way, R.A.I.N. will be instrumental in teaching respect and sharing.
R.A.I.N. will hold educational weekly teachings at no charge. Teachers of various talents, including those who attend as students, who have knowledge in one field or another, will be invited to come to share and teach. This will be beneficial to all members who are interested in each topic and allows for a non-monotonous creative sharing among the members.
From time to time, RedRoad Awareness for Indigenous Nations will invite and host special guest speakers from outside the organization.
R.A.I.N. will hold monthly council, where events and suggestions will be discussed and decided on by the seated council.
R.A.I.N. will sponsor an annual Powwow event, with all members assisting in whatever area they have volunteered for.
These areas include: security, gate keepers, set up of grounds, building of arbors, keeping the council fire, caring for small children, clean up, etc., assisting where needed.
RedRoad Awareness for Indigenous Nations will provide assistance to our First Nations cousins, and others, in the way of food, blankets, and clothing donations in the U.S. and Canada.
R.A.I.N. members may participate in trips to reserves and sacred landmarks, but no member shall hold R.A.I.N. liable for injury, illness, or cost. This will be an individual decision made by adult members, and their sole responsibility. Minors will not travel without a trusted adult present.
R.A.I.N. will organize visits to elementary and middle schools for special assembly exhibitions, including discussions on history, dance, drum, way of life. This is to provide awareness within our immediate community of the existance of R.A.I.N., the community's own Native peoples, its own history and a broader history including all parts of North America, and the goals and mission of RedRoad Awareness for Indigenous Nations.
If you would like to become involved with R.A.I.N. or in a similar Awareness organization in your area, please feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.


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